Publishers: Why is launching sponsored article campaigns with dofollow links through Getfluence considered safe? 

Julien Bismuth • 20 May 2024 • 3 min read
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We collaborate with reputable businesses that offer reliable and helpful articles with Dofollow links.

Getfluence selects advertisers from the marketplace based on various criteria, including:

  • Their business activities
  • Their company history and reputation
  • The seriousness of their sponsored article campaign budget
  • Their marketing objectives and goals
  • Their understanding of the stakes involved in producing sponsored articles
  • Their alignment with the theme and editorial policy of the publisher.

This ensures that serious collaborations are proposed to media outlets, guaranteeing original quality content appreciated by readers and by Google for its added value.

A Dofollow link is one that by default (no HTML attribute required in the code) informs Google’s crawl bots that they can index the link and its content. Authority and popularity will then circulate between the linked sites, thus affecting search engine results rankings (SERP).

In general, the key to success lies in writing and publishing quality content, whether organic or sponsored. If the content is exclusive, expert, and relevant to the theme of your media outlet and useful for readers, the time spent by your audience on the article, shares on social networks, and many other performance indicators will justify indexing by Google.

Incorporating one or more Dofollow links poses no risk if they are inserted into quality articles on real media outlets (and not media outlets created for SEO, called PBNs: Private Blog Network). Whether the link is Nofollow or Dofollow, it must be naturally integrated into the content and add value to the content and readers.

Real and Consistent Media Outlets Have No Reason to See Their Content Penalized by Google

If you have an audience, regularly produce organic content, and the proportion of sponsored articles remains much lower than your organic content, you take no risk, with or without Dofollow links. The important thing is to regularly produce quality thematic content, whether organic or sponsored. It’s important that it is useful, reliable, and people-first.

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