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Privacy Policy

Entry into force: 01/01/2022

When you use the website (hereinafter the “Website”), we may collect personal data about you.

The aim of this policy is to inform you about the ways in which we process these data.

1. Data controller

Getfluence SAS, a Simplified joint stock company

Toulouse Trade and Companies Register (RCS) No. 842 437 865 

Head Office: 13 Rue Sainte Ursule, 31000 Toulouse, France

(hereinafter referred to as: “We”)

2. What are the data collected used for

Your data are processed for several purposes. Each purpose has a legal basis, which you will find listed below. 

The performance of the contract that you have concluded with us

– To provide you with our services

– To create a file of customers and prospects

– To keep track of our relationships with our customers

– To manage unpaid invoices and any potential disputes concerning our services

Our legitimate interest in developing and promoting our business

– To respond to your requests for information

– To send newsletters, offers and promotional messages

– To compile statistics

– To improve the quality of our service

Our legitimate interest in responding to and following up your requests to exercise your rights

Compliance with any legal and regulatory obligations that we may be subject to

3. What personal data do we collect?

Personal data refers to data that can be used to identify an individual.

We collect the following categories of data:

– Identification data (e.g. last name, first name, email address, phone number, ID card or passport number, if needed)

– Connection data (e.g. IP address, logs)

– Economic and financial data (e.g.: bank account details, company registration certificate)

– Data from recordings of telephone calls between you and our Customer Service Department (e.g. dates of calls, and their content) 

When you provide us with your data, we indicate which data are mandatory. These data are required to enable us to provide you with our services.

4. Who are the recipients of the data?

– The staff that work in our company

– Our sub-processors: website-hosting provider, CRM tool, the provider of audience measurement and analysis services, the secure-payment service provider, the newsletter-mailing service provider, the provider of the telephony tool and services

– If relevant: the organisations in charge of financial control (external auditor, in particular), the public-service organisations, solely in order to meet our legal obligations, officers of the courts, ministerial officers and organisations responsible for debt collection.

5. How long are the data kept?

Type of dataRetention period
Data collected in order to provide our services and keep track of customer relationships or to carry out prospecting among our customersFor the duration of the commercial relationship and for a period of 3 years from the end of the commercial relationshipIf we ask you for a document to prove your identity, we only keep it for the time required to check your identity
Data collected for prospecting purposes3 years from the time the data were collected or from the last contact with the prospect
Data required for the purposes of evidenceFor the duration of the legal period of limitation (generally 5 years)
Invoices10 years
Bank card dataWe do not have access to your bank card data, which are collected by our payment provider. We only have access to the last 4 digits of your bank card(s). This enables us to display part of the number so that you can then select which bank card you wish to use.
Recording of telephone calls in order to improve our servicesRecording of phone calls: 6 monthsDocuments concerning the analysis of telephone call content: 1 year
In the event you wish to exercise your rights– If we ask you for a document to prove your identity, we only keep it for the time required to check your identity- If you exercise your right to object to receiving promotional and marketing emails, we keep this information for 3 years.As a general rule, we keep information that enables us to manage the requests you make to exercise your rights for 3 years.

6. Might your data be transferred outside the European Union?

Your data are stored on the servers of DYNAMIX NETWORK SARL, which are located in France, and/or on Google’s servers, which are located in the European Union.

The data may be transferred outside the European Union within the framework of relations with our sub-processors and the tools we use (see Article “Who are the recipients of the data?”). 

These transfers are secured in the following ways:

– Either the data are transferred to a country that has been deemed to provide an adequate level of protection by the European Commission;

– Or we have concluded a specific contract with our sub-processors concerning the transfer of your data outside the European Union, based on the standard contractual clauses that govern relations between a data controller and a sub-processor, approved by the European Commission.

7. What rights do you have concerning your data?

You have the following rights as regards your personal data:

– The right to information: that is precisely why we have written this charter.

– The right of access: you have the right to access all your personal data and can do so from your account at any time.

– The right to rectification: you have the right to rectify any inaccurate, incomplete or obsolete personal data at any time. You can do this via your account or, for certain types of information, by writing to our customer support at the address below.

– The right to restrict processing: you have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data in certain cases defined in Art. 18 of the GDPR.

– The right to erasure: you have the right to request that your personal data be deleted and forbid any future collection.

The right to submit a claim to a competent supervisory body (in France, this is the CNIL), if you think that the processing carried out on your personal data breaches the applicable regulations.

– The right to define guidelines concerning the storage, deletion and fate of your personal data after your death.

– The right to data portability: you have the right to receive the personal data you have provided us with in a standard machine-readable format and ask for the data be transferred to the recipient of your choice.

– The right to object to processing: you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data, including the recording of telephone calls, about which you are informed at the beginning of the call. However, please note that we may continue to process your data despite this objection, for legitimate reasons or to defend legal rights.

You can exercise these rights by writing to us at the address below. In this event, we may ask you to provide us with additional information or documents to prove your identity.

8. Contact details for personal data issues

Contact email:

Contact address: Getfluence SAS, 13 Rue Sainte Ursule, 31000 Toulouse, France

9. Amendments

We may amend this policy at any time. These changes will apply from the date the updated version enters into force. You should therefore regularly consult the latest version of this charter.

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