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The growing importance of premium SEO and PR: how to leverage them

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Premium SEO and premium PR: the latest frontier in marketing

If you are an SEO professional or a digital marketing manager, then you know how difficult it is to stick with the frequent changes in search engines’ ranking factors.

The world of SEO keeps evolving: hundreds of updates are made every year on Google alone, all to provide users with the best possible experience. 

The results of this trend?

Simply put, the ranking of your website on search engines can change overnight, making you lose your online traffic and miss numerous market opportunities.

If you don’t want to risk wasting all the precious marketing efforts you’ve made, then it’s crucial for you to fight back against this trend.

Luckily, premium SEO and premium PR come to help.

These amazing means have emerged so far as the most reliable, powerful, and efficient weapons your business can use to ensure your SEO efforts are not lost over time.

But what are they exactly and how can you use them in your marketing strategy?

Let’s go over premium SEO and premium PR in detail, so that you will see exactly how they work and how you can use them for your business needs.

What are exactly premium SEO and premium PR?

You use ‘premium SEO’ and ‘premium PR’ to point out SEO spots and press releases on top-of-the-notch, renowned, and famous media – the so-called ‘premium media’.

‘Practicing premium SEO/PR’ means investing resources to host your content on top publishers, so that their public can see it, and search engines can associate your website with them through backlinks.

This leads to numerous benefits, which we’ll cover later in this guide.

For now, you first need to understand what is exactly considered to be ‘premium media’.

Generally, this term refers to very popular and reliable publishers with strong SEO metrics, such as domain authority, domain rating, and their number/quality of backlinks.

The fame of such websites may be on a national or global level – depending on the market you’re targeting and the audience you’re trying to reach.

Some examples of globally-known publishers include The New York Times and The Economist, while there are many others you can refer to in order to target specific Countries.

Among them, you can find La Gazzetta dello Sport for Italy, Le Monde for France, and El País for Spain – just to name a few.

The formats you can use to share your content on premium media may vary – from text-based content to podcasts – but the most commonly used are blog posts and press releases.

The content you want to share can either be created by your team or by content creators from the publisher, which may help you create content that feels native to their website.

How premium SEO/PR can really benefit your marketing

There are numerous reasons why premium SEO and premium PR are so effective in helping your business’ marketing efforts.

As we have seen, this practice is linked to numerous SEO-related benefits – though, the advantages don’t just apply to search engine optimization.

Premium SEO/PR can help your business in many other ways, from building trust, to increasing your reach, and enhancing your positioning.

Here are the most relevant benefits that come from using premium SEO and premium PR:

The major benefit of hosting your content on premium media is that it can help you build high-quality backlinks pointing directly toward your website.

And this is no small deal.

As for today, indeed, Google seems to prioritize the quality of your backlinks, rather than their quantity.

For this reason, focusing on sharing your content on premium media is likely to grant your business a greater SEO boost than what would happen by amassing low-value backlinks.

You can invest in premium SEO and premium PR to maximize your ROI, and have a greater chance your marketing efforts will benefit your website’s search rankings.

Increase the trust people have in your business

It’s no wonder that so many businesses and professionals promote every mention they get from highly-famous, respected websites.

Having your business cited by publishers that are relevant in your area of expertise can help increase the trust your potential clients have in your brand.

For instance, imagine a newly-launched e-commerce course being promoted on Forbes, one of the most respected publishers in the field of economics and marketing.

Such a strategy can benefit businesses of every size, from the larger ones to the smallest, freshly-created, and innovative startups.

Finally, having your business cited by a well-respected publisher in your field can make it seem more trustworthy at a pace that can hardly be equaled with any other marketing strategy.

Enhance the positioning of your brand

Just as it happens with trust, taking advantage of premium SEO and premium PR can lead your business to build a better, more long-standing, and more solid brand positioning.

This can particularly get helpful in the case of very competitive markets and in view of a long-term strategy.

Taking the example from the previous point, imagine that the new e-commerce course is able to call itself the ‘Forbes’ choice for courses in the e-commerce learning sector’.

Sounds good, right?

Other businesses in the same field would have a hard time fighting such a prestigious claim.

Anyways, this is just an example, and there are other numerous ways premium SEO/PR can enhance your brand positioning…

Expand your reach by aiming for your exact target audience

If you’re struggling to reach your audience or if you just want to expand your business’ reach, then premium SEO/PR is the choice for you.

Indeed, not only such practice allows you to reach a larger public, but it makes it possible for you to target your exact, specific audience.

You can share your content on websites that you already know your desired public visits.

This way, you can maximize your ROI and make sure no money is wasted on readers that are out of your audience.

How to implement premium SEO and premium PR in your marketing strategy

To get your content hosted on premium media, the fastest and most commonly used method is sponsored content.

In sponsored content, your business pays a publisher to distribute content that associates with its values, to get the benefits we listed previously, from better SEO to increased trust.

Since sponsored content focuses on promoting your business’ desired image, it allows you to have a large control over how your brand is seen through the eyes of your audience.

When used in combination with premium media, this leads to a very powerful marketing strategy that is gonna sustain your efforts in the long-run, likely for years to come.

You can do all of this by using the right tool, which leads us to our final suggestion…

Boost your premium SEO/PRs with the best available tool

When it comes to choosing the right platform for taking advantage of premium SEO/PR, even the most accomplished SEO professionals and digital marketers can struggle.

Among the most common barriers comes the fear of losing your money, and wasting your time on strategies that are neither efficient, nor effective at all.

Luckily, Getfluence is here to help.

This powerful and easy-to-use marketplace has been designed to grant your efforts to lead to concrete results through time, so that you don’t have to worry about wasting resources.

First of all, all of 10.000+ Getfluence’s partner publishers are selected by SEO-trusted KPIs, which can ensure you only pick the highest-quality premium media to share your content.

On top of that, you can save up to 70% of your time with the built-in messaging system, which allows you to share your files in the fastest and safest possible way.

Finally, you will save money thanks to Getfluence’s competitive rates, directly negotiated for you with top-of-the-notch, worldwide famous publishers.

Boost your marketing strategy and save money with Getfluence now

Most asked questions about premium SEO and premium PR

What is premium media?

‘Premium media’ refers to very popular and reliable publishers with strong SEO metrics, such as high-quality backlinks, domain authority, and domain rating. This term can both be used to point out renowned publishers on a national or global scale.

How can premium SEO and premium PR boost SEO?

Getting your content hosted on renowned publishers can help you amass high-quality backlinks. As for today, Google considers the quality of your backlinks among the most important factors to rank your website in the SERPs, so premium SEO/premium PR will likely boost your SEO.

Are sponsored content and premium SEO the same?

Premium SEO refers to hosting your content on premium media to enhance your SEO. 

Though sponsored content is a more generic term that refers to paying to get your content shared on other websites, a well-built sponsored content strategy uses premium SEO spots on renowned media, just as it happens for premium SEO.

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