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Indexing guide: How to ensure your articles are visible in Google search results?

indexation guide google

Table of Contents

  1. 1) Google Search Console is your diagnostic tool
  2. 2) Did you submit a sitemap in GSC?
  3. 3) Content matters – make it valuable
  4. 4) Beware of duplicate content
  5. 5) Streamlined site architecture
  6. 6) Effective internal linking, it’s a must for a perfect Google indexing
  7. 7) Boosting your digital reputation is a fundamental Google indexing essential
  8. 8) Tackling HTML errors to improve your online presence
  9. 9) Beware of the main errors blocking indexation
  10. 10) Optimizing site speed for enhanced performance
  11. 11) Mobile optimization is the present and future
  12. 12) Visual engagement, the role of images
  13. FAQ: Google search results and Google indexing issues

You’ve put in the hours and created what you believe is perfectly indexed articles on Google, right? Yet your page can’t be found in Google’s search results.

The question looms – why isn’t your content showing up? 

If you’ve been pondering over “how to index on google”, you’re in the right place. 

Dive into our Google Indexing Guide to not only get your page indexed but also make it thrive on Google.

1) Google Search Console is your diagnostic tool

Google Search Console (GSC) is a vital tool for website owners and SEO professionals because it provides valuable insights and controls regarding how Google interacts with and understands your website.

Checking your GSC is the first step in troubleshooting the nature of the problem. 

How can you identify google indexing issues with Google Search Console?

1) Identifying indexing issues

2) Checking for pages blocked by robots.txt:

If robots.txt blocks pages, update the file to give Googlebot access.

This file is located in the root directory of your website.

It contains instructions specifying which parts of your website robots can or cannot access.

This task may require a web developer or SEO expert if you are not comfortable making the changes yourself.

3) Verifying ‘noindex’ via an SEO plugin in WordPress

WordPress, a widely-used content management system, may present indexing challenges due to its numerous settings.

To ensure optimal Google indexing, follow these steps:

2) Did you submit a sitemap in GSC?

Now that your settings are ok, and before diving into sitemap submission, it’s crucial to analyze three fundamental aspects of your website for a perfect Google indexing.

Those three aspects significantly impact Google’s ability to index your article: content quality, internal linking, orphan pages.

Move to the “ Streamlined site architecture” and “Effective internal linking” section and you will find more tips and tools to identify orphan pages.

Now, let’s move on to sitemap submission:

Many website platforms like WordPress have plugins (e.g., Google XML Sitemaps, Yoast SEO) that can create a sitemap for you.

Proceed to section 5) A cohesive and structured site architecture and 6) Internal linking is very important for more advice on identifying orphan pages.

Submit your sitemap:

Once logged in Google Search Console with your Google account, select the property (website) you’d like to submit the sitemap for from the property list.

Check submission status:

After submitting, it may take some time for Google to process your sitemap.

You can check the status of your sitemap submission in the “Sitemaps” section.

3) Content matters – make it valuable

Google uses an exploration robot, known as Googlebot, whose primary mission is to crawl your page and determine its indexation and positioning within search results. 

But how does it decide? 

Think of it as a digital spider, tirelessly crawling the vast web, visiting pages, and gathering data.

But that’s just the first step. Enter the second one: Google’s sophisticated algorithm

While Googlebot collects, the algorithm assesses. It looks at the data, gauges the content’s relevancy, evaluates its quality, and then decides where it belongs in the vast sea of search results.

For meaningful google indexing, your article should resonate with the audience, with your niche and make it just perfect for the topic. 

How to create compelling content for a great google indexing ?

4) Beware of duplicate content

Duplication is a significant no-no. Not just identical words, but similar phrases can also land you in hot water. 

Ensure your article remains unique and genuine, Google rewards originality. Make sure your content isn’t replicated elsewhere and offers fresh insight. 

Simply enter the URL of your page or copy-paste your content into Copyscape’s search bar to find any instances of duplication across the web.

Initially draft without relying too much on external sources for an authentic touch.

5) Streamlined site architecture

Ensuring a smooth user experience (UX) is crucial for both visitor satisfaction and optimal Google indexing. 

A well-structured site enables visitors to find the information they seek effortlessly, which in turn can lead to longer dwell times, reduced bounce rates, and ultimately, higher conversions.

To achieve a streamlined site architecture, it’s advisable to visualize and analyze your site’s structure, ensuring it’s logically organized and error-free

Below are some tools that can assist you in this endeavor:

6 key elements of effective site architecture

6) Effective internal linking, it’s a must for a perfect Google indexing

Ensure the links are relevant; a page about “baguettes” shouldn’t link to “men’s shoes”. 

Dive into the concept of semantic cocoons for a structured linking strategy.

Why? Internal linking acts as the signposts, pointing visitors to related articles and ensuring they don’t get lost. 

But beyond enhancing user experience, internal links play a pivotal role in optimizing a site for search engines.

Googlebot uses internal links to discover content on your website. A cohesive internal linking strategy helps distribute page authority throughout the site, raising the profile of key pages.

And remember, avoid orphan pages.

Google indexing, 3 strategies for effective internal linking:

If you use WordPress, add Link Whisper plugin that helps manage and optimize internal linking by suggesting relevant internal links as you write article.

There are also easy yet efficient techniques to improve internal linking such as:

7) Boosting your digital reputation is a fundamental Google indexing essential

If your content doesn’t rank well, or doesn’t index, your reputation can make or break your presence. 

Just like in real life, where a person’s reputation precedes them, your digital reputation determines how authoritative, trustworthy, and relevant your website appears to both users and search engines. 

And a significant part of this reputation hinges on backlinks.

Backlinks, often referred to as “inbound links” or “incoming links”, are hyperlinks from one website to a page on your website. 

Strategies to cultivate high-quality backlinks:

8) Tackling HTML errors to improve your online presence

While Google’s algorithms are robust and advanced, they are not without their challenges, especially when it comes to indexing a website’s content. 

These challenges often originate from the very foundation of your online presence: the HTML code.

One way to preemptively address and correct these issues is by utilizing the W3C Validator.

The W3C Validator is a great tool provided by the W3C that allows developers to check the validity of their HTML code against the web standards set by W3C. 

It helps ensure your website is structured correctly, thereby facilitating better indexing by search engines like Google.

Here, a simple guide to use it.

Reviewing and correcting errors:

9) Beware of the main errors blocking indexation

Errors can range from minor to critical, but the key is to recognize and address them efficiently:

To address the specified errors, as we said before, use Google Search Console for basic error detection. For an in-depth analysis, tools like Screaming Frog or Sitebulb are helpful.

10) Optimizing site speed for enhanced performance

A vital criterion for SEO, page speed can dictate Googlebot’s efficiency in crawling your site. 

Even a 100ms delay might seem insignificant, but imagine a JS or CSS file with 10,000 lines of code!

Utilizing performance analysis tools:

Google PageSpeed Insights, is a free tool provided by Google that analyzes the content of a web page and then generates suggestions to make that page faster.

Access Google PageSpeed Insights, enter your webpage URL, and click “Analyze” to get a detailed report on your page’s performance on both mobile and desktop, along with recommendations for improvement.

Or, you can use GTmetrix, which  provides insights on how well your site loads and provides actionable recommendations on how to optimize it.

Access GTmetrix, enter your webpage URL, and analyze to find a comprehensive report on various speed and performance metrics.

To accelerate your website:

11) Mobile optimization is the present and future

A non-responsive design can cripple your chances of indexation.

Google provides a helpful open-source tool called Lighthouse to check how quickly a visitor can access your site’s pages. 

It examines various elements like text readability, viewport configuration, and clickable elements spacing to provide a mobile-friendliness score.

12) Visual engagement, the role of images

Humans are visual beings, and while Google can’t “read” images, it understands their importance in enhancing user experience. Ensure you:

FAQ: Google search results and Google indexing issues

Why isn’t my page showing up on Google?

My site is indexed but some pages aren’t, what should I do?

Why can’t I find my indexed page easily in search results?

How do I find out why my page/site is missing?

Google Search Console indicate my page isn’t indexed, what now?

How can I help Google find and index my site?

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